August Update – Viridian Series and SSERS

anthology contest

August already. It’s been quiet on the Viridian front, as I’m involved with other things.


anthology contestIWSG Anthology – call for stories

Next year’s IWSG Anthology is a science fiction one, with the theme Dark Matter.

Despite all that’s been going on lately, I really feel I have to get a story together for this one.

I’m still devoid of inspiration, but I’m working on something for the SSERS idea: Space Sector Emergency Repair Service, if I remember that correctly. In fact, I’ve taken the short story of being abducted by aliens, and started working it up to a 4500+ word tale suitable for an anthology.

It’s not exactly going well, but the submissions close 2nd September, which is, hm, three weeks away, so I’ve plenty of time, haven’t I?

Everything else to do with Lars, Pete, Dolores and Maggie is on the back burner still, although I keep having ideas, especially about Dolores’s role.

Fingers crossed I get this SSERS story finished… and it can’t be accepted unless I finish it!

Viridian System Sampler releases 28th September

The eight short stories that form a little teaser for you, in advance of the first book in the Viridian System series, is now online and available to pre-order at Kobo, iTunes and B&N.

You can also sample it (sample the sampler!) at Smashwords, but I’ve misunderstood the system and it isn’t available for pre-order there, so apologies to my newsletter subscribers.  Your coupon will be extended to 10th October to let you get it there if you prefer.