#amediting update – Corsair (Viridian System 2)

Jemima at Camp NanowrimoExciting news: I’ve finished editing Curved Space to Corsair!

It comes in at around 88,000 words and 260 pages, which will take it to nearly 90,000 when I’ve added front and back matter, like titles, acknowledgements, bio and other titles.  That seems good to me.

It’s now off to its external editor to see what she makes of it.

While I hope she likes it, it’s more about picking holes in it, correcting any unintelligible sentences that I’ve left in, spotting typos and missing words, and a general feedback on the story, plot, characterisation and flow.  That editor really earns all the money I’m sending her!

Then I’ll make the corrections and get it ready to publish. Unless she says there’s a huge amount of work to be done on it.

The cover reveal!

Corsair draftMeanwhile, Dani has completed the cover device.  I just need to place it more accurately within the title.  That really means I adjust the kerning and placement of the word Corsair, as the rest seems okay.  And maybe I’ll move Viridium from behind the dragonfly’s head, or maybe not.

Yes – a dragonfly is significant in this story!

Maybe we’ll hit the current scheduled date of 1st November, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I need to put it back a little.

Watch this space!

You can pre-order Curved Space to Corsair at iTunes, B&N and Kobo.  See the links for the whole series on the book page here.

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