The Perihelix, edition 2, is now LIVE!

the perihelix cover

the perihelix coverThe Perihelix (second edition) has been live on and Smashwords for a few hours now.  It will filter through the systems to other Amazon stores and to iTunes, B&N and Kobo (and others) over the next few days.

In the two years since I took it off sales after lukewarm reviews, I have revised the beginning several times, taken it to a new editor, lost that editor in tragic circumstances, and done my best to deliver the changes she suggested.

As you know, I’ve nearly given up on it several times.  I think if I hadn’t already written the second book Curved Space to Corsair, I might have done.  But now I’ve published the revised book, and I’m very happy that I’ve done so.

If you downloaded the old version, you should be able to download the second edition from your buying site free of charge.  Otherwise it’s now on sale for $2.99.

If you haven’t read it yet, it would be really kind of you to push it to the top of your list and review the new edition on your blog, Goodreads, Amazon or your buying site!  Thanks!


News and features during the A to Z Challenge 2017


I’ve been doing the A to Z Challenge for April, hence no progress on the books… or is there?

Rebecca Douglass, author of the Ninja Librarian series, has been featuring her favourite characters.  You might like to check these items out, since they pertain to the Viridian series:

and the next one’s from me

and while we’re linking relevant posts, you could check this one from February, too!

Book Blogger Hop | Multiple Narrators

Re-imagining the Swede

Pete & the Swede ponies

It’s fair to say that progress on rewriting the Perihelix is slow.

I was troubled by the reactions to the character of the Swede; or maybe not the character but the white anglo-saxon bit.  Eight hundred years in the future I didn’t expect to be writing today’s sensibilities, but since it seems to be a problem, it sort of stopped my flow.

Talking to a black author (black is the accepted term in the UK – I checked with her) about this and the problem of writing diversity, she gave me two comments which I treasure: she hates being compared with food (so coffee-coloured is out), and why not make the Swede black?  I laughed, because it would certainly be odd, in the way we Brits tend to do things the opposite to the obvious – as do the Aussies, where ‘Blue’ is a common nickname for a redhead. Which is why I called my blue teddy-bear ‘Blue’, because it’s a double use of the absurdity.

And not all people with black skins are African-Americans, as one US President unfortunately realised too late when talking to an African.  I don’t have Africans or Americans in 800 years time, although most people have African genes (and North American and Eurasian ones).

I understand that colour is a big issue, though.

Diversity is complicated, even more so with 800 years more genotype mixing and around 20 generations of evolution.  Everyone should be a ‘person of colour’ unless they are a throwback.

I finally hit on the answer over the holidays.  The Swede is still a blue-eyed blonde with pale skin.  So pale, that it’s obvious to most galactic citizens that he’s either from the planet Ourobouros, or from Scania (which is the centre of Scandinavian resettlement), or from the detested race of Imperium overlords.

Unless he’s from Scania, most other citizens will spit on him.  Sometimes literally.  Even in the rarified relatively safe space of the outer star systems off the galactic plane.

It’s a good thing he made friends with the safe, somewhat dwarfish, stocky and amiable Big Pete when he was at college.  Heavy gravity planets tend to develop heavy-set stunted growth.  Nobody calls Big Pete stunted.

Well, maybe the Swede does, when they’re joshing.

Back to work.

The Pete & the Swede as My Little Ponies picture was part of a fun thing a couple of years back

Perihelix Progress

perihelix_ed2I’ve completed the edit of my revisions to the Perihelix and sent it to my editor.

I’ve rewritten the first chapter, changing the start substantially (and will mean a lot of edits  to book 2 to take out reference/consequences of that), and introducing Dolores, Maggie and Aramintha more thoroughly, although I always intend them to have somewhat mysterious pasts. I’ve also made it slightly clearer (I hope) which direction the travels take them, but working in 3D space means that the reader either needs to imagine it more, or just accept that there’s a long way between places.  I must admit, I’ve never been concerned about the relationship of different planetary systems to each other in Star Trek or Star Wars.

Now to see what my new editor makes of it.

Newsletter & mailing list active again

Thanks to the nice people (especially Rafael) at, I have my email newsletter up and running again.  The only problem is, I hadn’t a separate back up of your email addresses, so I have lost all my subscribers!

If you’d like to sign up again, please do.  I promise I won’t send more than a few newsletters each year.  They’ll usually be giving special offers to subscribers, early warning of publications and sales, or exclusives about the people of the Viridian System.

July has flown by

Well, that’s what happens when you go to Summer Camp.

I’ve been at Camp NaNoWriMo again, but this time working on my older children’s fantasy series, The Princelings of the East.  I started that as a trilogy, thought it would finish at book 8, and is now set to finish at book 10, since I’ve completed the first drafts of books 7 and 8 at Camp. Well, 8 needs a few more days…

So where does this leave the Viridian series?

My next project is to thoroughly edit my revised Perihelix and send it to my editor.  Because of the workload I now have one in the UK for the Viridian series and my original US editor for the Princelings series.  I hope that will work well.  Once Perihelix has gone I can work on the second draft of Curved Space to Corsair.  Nobody commented on that title, so I hope it works. There isn’t another book called that, anyway.

While I’ve been at Camp there have been some character interviews on my blog.  You can check them here:

The other thing I have to do is fix the problem with my mailing list.  You’ll know when I’ve done it 🙂

Nearly solstice

Just a little reference to things Earth-orbital, there.  News from the Viridian System for you…

  1. I have rewritten as much of the Perihelix as I think I should, and need to edit it before sending it to my sf editor.
  2. I’m planning to bring the second edition out on Kindle Select first, then Smashwords three months later… which may coincide with book 2, but I’m not promising anything.
  3. I’ve come up with a new title for book 2.  Wind your way down so that you can give me your reaction in the comments.
  4. I still haven’t fixed the problem with my mailing list database.  I have found a hint why it may not be finding the database, but haven’t got around to looking into it further yet.
  5. I’ve written some more flash fiction on my blog, relating to the Viridian System:
    1. #FridayFlash Fiction | Return to Sender
    2. #FridayFlash Fiction | Towards an Exodentrite Nirvana
    3. #FridayFlash Fiction | The Inspector Calls
  6. As I’m currently working on books in the Princelings of the East series, there may be a gap in proceedings here.

Okay – the big test for this idea for Book 2 is

Curved Space to Corsair

What do you think?

Read 2 Review on Goodreads

We currently have The Perihelix on offer in the Read 2 Review programme on Goodreads’ Space Opera Fans group.

This programme aims to find new readers by posting reviews from interested parties.  Despite the enthusiasm of my beta readers, the other two reviews so far have been disappointing.  I’d like to get more reviews, and if there is something about the book I need to fix, then I’m prepared to fix it!

If you’re a Goodreads member, you may need to become a Space Opera Fans Group member to access the programme – but if you read this site, you can contact me by Goodreads Message and I’ll add you to the list.

Book 2 at Camp NaNoWriMo

I’m writing book 2, still to get a title, and although I’ve run through two or three working titles by now, it still remains ‘book 2’.  I’m at Camp NaNoWriMo, in a cabin of like-minded individuals – all of us have projects that need to get finished, and some of us even know each other in real life.

I had 23,000 words before camp started.  There are some secondary scenes, and some ‘something in the Imperium’ and ‘something at Pleasant Valley or Sunset Strip’ notes scattered in there to make it flow, but mainly I’ve been concentrating on the story involving Pete, the Swede and the girls.  And their passengers 😉

So I started Camp with scenes for the Imperium and other secondary characters.  I’m not saying much, because it’s a bit of a struggle, and although I know roughly what I want to set up, it’s not flowing that well.  Well, you can tell that because I’m writing a blog post instead of writing fiction.  Sigh.  It’ll never grow unless I put one word after the other.  Back to the grindstone.  Well, first I’ll just make another cup of coffee.  Hopefully it’ll be cold before I remember it, as that means I’ll have got stuck into the story again.

I’ll update the progress bar below from time to time, but the one on my blog will probably get attention daily, since I’m also doing the A to Z Challenge.  Time management.  That’s what I need.

If you’re camping too – good luck!