An Interview with Maggie Ingleton

Nearing the end of my features from the Feb-March blog tour for Zanzibar’s Rings, here we have a character interview.

I love doing character interviews. I ought to do more. I may inflict them on you in the next few months. I think you’ve had Lars, Pete and Zito in the past (here or on the Jemima blog), but this was the first time I got to let one of the girls loose. This featured on The Literary Nook.

Today’s guest is Maggie Ingleton from inside the pages of ZANZIBAR’S RINGS by Jemima Pett.  It is a pleasure to have her with us at The Literary Nook!

What is your name? 

Maggie Ingleton

What do you look like? 

I’m kind of mid-height, trim without being curvy, blonde-ish, well, mousy with highlights. I look kind of bubbly. It’s the impression I like to keep up, anyway.

Where are you today and what are you doing?

I’m in the boys’ villa, and generally keeping the place running, although I need to cook a batch of meals later.

Describe the outside of your home.

It’s about halfway up the hill above town, with a lot of mature trees around it, some light like eucalyptus, some dark like oak and pine. Through the trees you get a glimpse of the three wings, I suppose you’d call them, all joined by a balcony that runs the length of the centre area, overlooking the patio and pool. It’s what they call modern style, sort of blocky but with big windows taking in the view, and blank walls at the back up against the hill.Yes, the boys are rich, and they’ve had to give it a makeover since it was damaged a couple of years back. So it’s, well, really nice.

You come face to face with your worse enemy. How do you react?

Oh, gosh. Well, apart from freezing, I try to pretend I’m fine, sort of fixed smile, and try to avoid saying anything. And make up something I have to be doing so I can get away quickly.

You keep a photo album of memories from your lifetime. If you could only keep one photo, which one would that be? 

Well, we don’t really have photo albums any more, so that’s not too difficult. I suppose an image of the four of us together, having a nice time, maybe on the beach, or in a nice restaurant, would be what I’d most like. Me, Lars, Dolores and Pete.

Are you a morning person or a night owl? 

You know, I stopped being either… after my planet was over-run, and eventually I arrived here to work, and then Lars and Pete sort of settled me permanently. I keep regular hours, the rest of them are often on different time zones. I guess I’m more of a morning person at heart, but we get to have a siesta at lunchtime anyway, so I can keep going in the evenings, too.

Do you have any phobias? What are they and how intense are they? How have they impacted your life?

I hate loud noises, loud, unexpected and possibly repetitive noises—I always think we’re being invaded again. I run and hide in a corner, or a closet, and curl up into a ball. I don’t know how other people can just take them at face value. There’s always a chance it’ll happen again. You have to be prepared for your world to come crashing down again. And I suppose these days there’s more to lose.

Open your wallet, purse, or briefcase. What do you find?

My viewpad, some make-up although it’s pretty minimal, I’m lucky that way. Comb and tiny mirror. Keytag—that has something coded into it that counts as cash as well as keys. That’s about it unless I’m with the boys and I’m carrying something they’ve forgotten.

You move into a new home. What’s the first thing you buy for it?

A new bed. Big and comfy. Although I’d hold off on anything other than white bedding till I’ve sorted out the decor.

What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed at night?

Clean my teeth. Then if I get to do anything that means I have to go to bed again, I’ll have a quick wash and maybe check the house is secure.

Who is your best friend?

Dolores. We were in the same line of work, and then when Lars and Pete came down from a mining trip we both got assigned to them one time, and then the guys asked for us back every time, and we sort of just struck up a friendship.

Who is your worst enemy?

The Federation, the Imperium, anyone that doesn’t treat women nicely, and anyone who wants to hurt my men.

Are you married or in a relationship?

Lars and I have an agreement, with promises, that we reckon is as good as marriage. I just didn’t want him to commit to a vow he couldn’t keep. (laughs) It’s because of some woman we saved when we were in space one time, and she couldn’t keep her hands off him. I swung round with a cooking pot in my hand and broke his nose! I didn’t mean to, but… Oh, it was so funny, though.

Do you have children?

No. It would have been nice. I love kids.

You are at the zoo. What is your favorite animal?

Something cuddly, like a koala, or a chinchilla. Aspoids are like huge guinea pigs and they are such lovely people. We don’t have zoos these days; everything is treated as sentient, really. Come to think of it, Lars is quite cuddly. Not hairy, though.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a chef. I studied gastronomy at college before the planet was attacked. Although, before I knew what a chef was, I wanted to be a dancer, or a fairy.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would that be?

I’d like to be braver. When there are emergencies or things going wrong, everyone seems to hold themselves together and do useful things. I just fall in a heap in the corner. I’d like to step up and get on with things like they do.


You know, I always thank characters for coming when I do my guest interviews…. Yes. We need more character interviews on here.

Maggie’s description of the villa started a hankering in me to do some illustrations for the Viridian series. I’ll show you when I’ve done some 🙂

Next time… Dear Reader, Love Author. Intrigued?

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